For my Intro to Visual Communication Design 2 class, this project was one in which we explored forms in type and image to create an impactful composition. We composed under the theme of "Conversations with Trees of the Oval" to create a piece that held a narrative through relation to a tree. We created two cards, both with a front and back, created from two different prompts. This project also was an introduction to Photoshop, teaching me a lot of different techniques and tools in the software.
Card One
My tree was the Bald Cypress. I began this project by coming up with my narrative:
I had one of these trees in the yard of the house I grew up in so when I created ideas, I thought a lot about that tree in my yard and what it meant to my childhood. I remember when I would come home from school in the afternoon I would just go outside and do what I wished rather than do homework or work. I played on this idea of childhood freedom and the way it feels that it went so quickly and wishing I could be back in that time of life.
Card Two
Going off of my card one concept, I wanted to portray the idea of children fighting against climate change to preserve the memories that trees can create/bring.