Project Prompt: Draw inspiration from the key visual and textual components of your previous Project 1, specifically cards 1 and 2. Utilize these components as the foundation for evolving your photographic compositions, transforming them into a richer, more expansive exploration of your "conversations with tree" storybook. Create an accordion book that portrays a narrative and seamlessly flows from spread to spread.
Concept: In some cultures, the bald cypress represents the end of a major life phase and the transition into a world of new possibilities. I wanted to take this concept and make it personal, so I decided to portray a broad story of my own life, encompassing growing up and the way my life has changed. Starting with my childhood, where everything is light, playful, and seemingly clear, I used my own childhood photos and things that reminded me of that time to portray this period of my life. The piece then moves into a more complicated point, transitioning from light to dark, and things start to become less clear. Here, I wanted to portray the period of my life where I struggled a lot and did not see a light at the end of the tunnel. But even amidst that time, the cacoon represents a great change coming, and the firey butterfly portrays the way I came out of this time better than before. The piece then transitions to sunshine, filled with joyous moments and a brighter look at life.
Initial Sketches: sketching out the way I wanted my pages/spreads to flow
Process Documentation: showing the spreads as I finalized the content and designs of them
Final Spreads
Final Full Composition